To build up the character of students and to have faith in God and His providence in life on the basis of the noble aspects of our culture and to make them understand the true significance of religion, moral instructions and religious lessons are offered to all the students. As a part of this programme, meditations, prayer sessions, seminars, etc., are arranged periodically.


Applications for the withdrawal of a pupil should be submitted in writing to the principal at least one month before the date of withdrawal or a month’s fee will be charged in lieu of the notice.

A transfer certificate or any other certificate will be issued only if all school dues have been paid and library books and school items taken on loan returned.

Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or defiance of authority, malpractice in examinations, lack of sufficient improvement in conduct and studies even after warnings or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.


Wish every teacher irrespective of the class handled. Stand up once, to wish a teacher or visitor when they enter and leave the class room.

Don’t interfere when the teachers are conversing.

Maintain silence in the absence of the teacher.

Talk in whispers on the corridors and stop conversing when teachers or other superiors pass by.

Read the hand book carefully and act on it. Make note of important things.

Use of bad language and unruly behaviour and manners are strictly forbidden. Aim at full attendance and unfailing punctuality. Be God fearing. A prayer to God for help will be answered by Him.

Never waste time. Time is precious. Use it well.

Make friendship with studious companions. They will help you by work and example. Work hard and do your best in studies. Your parents and the Nation are expecting a lot from you.

Take part in games, recreation which will refresh your mind and give you energy for study.

Pupils are advised not to wear expensive jewellery and not to bring any valuable articles to the school (C.D., Cell phones etc.,). All the students from Pre-KG should converse only in English. Promotion entirely depends on his / her attendance performance in mid - Term Test, Terminal Examinations, discipline, reading and spoken skill.

Pupils should bring napkins / hand towels / spoons with them and should use the same to avoid making the class room dirty.

Students shall be responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. As a precautionary measure, it is suggested that they have their name inscribed on articles like tiffin carriers, school bags, pencil boxes etc. The school authorities will not be responsible for the loss of articles by students.

Lost articles must be claimed from the school office within a week, after which period unclaimed articles will be disposed of.

Damage done to the school furniture, library books lab item etc., Must be paid for, at the discretion of the Principal.


Parents are requested to co - operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline, by seeing to it that the children prepare their lessons and by taking an active interest in the activities of the school.

Parents are informed that remarks by the teachers are made in the student’s handbook, when necessary. They are requested to check the handbook and sign it, indicating that they have seen the remarks. Parents are expected to check for the home work and sign the Hand book every day.

In any communication with the school, the name, the standard and section of the children should be clearly mentioned. Parents or guardians are also requested to notify the school of any change in their address and telephone numbers as soon as possible.

Parents are requested to read carefully all circulars issued by the school from time to time and take actions promptly. Timely action on circulars is in the interest of the children.

Improper conduct reflecting on character, persistent irregularity, and continual neglect of studies, disobedience, insubordination and disrespect towards any staff member, malpractice at tests and examinations, thieving, immoral behavior and serious intentional offences, are punishable by expulsion.

Students shall avoid availing of leave for the following reasons:
  1. Family function not for blood relatives.
  2. Accompanying parents on tour.
  3. Simple religious ceremonies.
  4. Preparing for school examinations and other competitive examinations.
  5. 5. Attending to / entertaining relatives / visitors at home.

Habits like smoking, chewing betel nuts, Pan Parag, etc., are strictly prohibited inside the campus including school office and reception. As per the Govt. rule students are not permitted to drive a vehicle. The Management expects the same from the students when they come to school.

Parents are welcome to the school to check the progress of their children. But they are not allowed to meet their children or the teachers during school hours without the permission of the Principal. Teachers may be contacted only after school hours in the evening on all working hours.

Complaints by parents if any or remarks about the staff must be brought to the notice of the Principal or Administrator, and not to the staff concerned.

Parents can consult the subject teachers to become aware of the mistakes committed by their children in the answer sheets within the limited time announced after the results of each test.

Entrusting a pupil to the school implies that parents agree to stand by the rules and regulations of the school and that they should see that their children also abide by the school regulations.

The Principal will always welcome your suggestions, comments and opinion. Parents can meet the Principal on all working days as per availability.


All students come under school rules from the beginning of the journey to school until the end of their journey back home.

All pupils should, at all times maintain a high standard of manners, in their words and deeds.

Pupil should always be dressed in the prescribed school uniform or sports uniform, wherever applicable. Informal dress is permitted only on the child’s birthday.

Pupil should reach the school before the first bell, no late coming is tolerated. The students, who reach the school campus early, should enter their classroom and spend their time in silent study.

Speaking English is compulsory at the school premises, in the school bus and while waiting to board the bus.

At the first bell, both students and staff shall assemble in the court - yard in the class order. On dispersal the students move to their own class rooms in perfect order, together with their class teacher at the rear of the line.

When the teacher enters the class room, all the students should stand up, greet him / her and remain standing until they are asked to sit or the teacher takes his / her seat. They shall thank the teacher when the class is over.

Students shall not leave their class room during or in between the periods, but remain silent and prepare for the next period. They shall not enter any other class room other than his / her own at any time. They should not bring valuable and curious articles, CDs, Cell phones, I - Pod, Walkman, books or magazines etc. to the school that are not prescribed in syllabus.

Articles seized from the students will not be returned back and disciplinary action will be taken. (T.C. Will be issued)

An atmosphere of silence must be maintained by everyone during working hours in the school campus.

Any damage caused to the property of the school must be immediately reported and be paid for, at the discretion of the Principal.

Classrooms and the school premises shall be kept neat and tidy. All waste paper must be put in the proper receptacle. Students must make it a point to pick up and dispose off the litter and care for the appearance of the school. They may always take care that display boards, walls, furniture, shelves, black board etc., are kept neat and in order.

No collection of any kind whatsoever, and no selling or buying of anything shall be done among the students or staff in the school premises. No meeting, party or picnic or any kind of organized school activity shall be arranged without the previous approval of the Principal. Parents are earnestly requested to make no personal gifts to staff members.

Library Rules and Regulations
  1. The Library will be kept open on all working days.
  2. Readers (students) desirous of using the library at school hour (other than the allotted periods)’
  3. Readers should not write upon, damage or make any mark on any book or manuscript.
  4. No tracing or mechanical reproduction shall be made without the permission of the librarian.
  5. Readers shall be responsible for any damage done to the books or other property belonging to the library and shall be required to replace each book or other property damaged or pay the value in rupees thereof.
  6. If any book in a set is damaged, the whole set will have to be replaced.
  7. Readers will be allowed to take only loose sheets of paper and School Hand Book with them inside the Library for writing purposes.
  8. Before leaving the library room, the member must satisfy as to whether the book(s) lent to him/her is (are) in good condition. Reporting later otherwise, he / she will be held responsible for the replacement of the book(s).
  9. Silence should be strictly observed in the Library.