Fully furnished and spacious classroom with proper ventilation and interactive classroom through audio visual aids and Smart Board Facility.


This is an age of computers,. The computer is a powerful medium of education. Computer programming would provide meaning vocational training with immediate opportunities.

To build up the knowledge and concept of computers we have “COMPUTER SCIENCE” taught from classes I to IX for which a nominal fee will be charged.


Reading habits are encouraged with the provision of Library. The library will be kept open from 10.00 am to 4.00pm on all working days. Readers (Students) desirous of using the Library at any other time (other than the allotted periods) may do so between 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm.


A well equipped Laboratory is maintained. Science subjects are taught by demonstrating and experimentation Methods.

This enables the students to get a firsthand knowledge of the practical session in a scientific atmosphere.


Children today spend less than half the time playing outdoors that their parents did and are less likely to spend time outdoors at school. They are growing up in an increasingly indoor, sedentary and virtual world, ever more divorced from the real world around them. This has a significant impact on their physical health, emotional wellbeing, social competence and their connection with the natural world and their local communities.

The best place for children to enjoy the outdoors, learn about the natural world and take vigorous exercise on a regular basis is in the school grounds. School grounds are safe and accessible, you need no additional staff, no consent forms, no transport, and there is no additional cost.